
series by davidspeight

Evan Smith (40) Pastor determined to save all 310 souls


Evan Smith

The minister of the Salem Church, Evan (40) dresses up in a shirt and tie, stands tall, and is concerned about putting on a good face. His thin, muscular physic looks more suited for basketball than the football team he played on at Wheaton College. His short dark hair and model airplane collection hints that he is involved in the Civil Air Patrol.


Evan Smith

His lower-middle-class upbringing ingrained experiences that allow him to relate to the simple people of Salem. Always eager to help anyone in need, sometimes he forgets how things may impact his family at home. While this may seem simplistic, it is a mirror of the neglect his own father (an abusive drunk) showed.


Evan Smith

Evan longs to be the next Billy Graham. He is faced with the dilemma of bringing everyone into the fold, for he believes that “if he can’t save a small village like Salem, he will never move onto anything bigger.”  His desire to help others is driven by his internal need for atonement haunted by his prayer for his father to be removed, and his promise to witness to as many people as Billy Graham.

Series Arc

His bullheaded, uncompromising principals create unique challenges each week. His persistence assures he’ll be back again to reach villagers who are divided about living in a past era or moving forward.